"Sandy.... just too dangeous for adoption"
cate sacks
Why didn't Ms. Sacks the
"expert" dog trainer and "dog whisperer" make this
assessment sooner
and return Sandy to us?
Instead she waited to say this
after she had him killed and she already collected $ 4300 from us.
Then she said he was hurt?
And refuses to return the training fees, until she is sued in small claims court.
BEWARE of the "Doggy Boot Camp"
Current Updates
In August of 2015, someone sent us this copy of an ad from the
Alpine Community Network, where Cate Sacks is advertsing her
"Doggy Boot Camp". In October she was spotted dragging a small
poodle puppy around by the neck, rather than using a simple harness.
She was at hockey game at Mt. Carmel High School and
happy to tell anyone who would listen that she is a "dog trainer "
and owns "Shelter Dogs To Dream Dogs".
The dog later appears on Craigslist, with no name, for sale.
$400 CASH only. Remember, this is same place we sent Sandy,
and after Cate Sacks couldn't train him,
she had him killed at Chula Vista shelter.
And lied to us sending fake progress reports after he was dead.
Please, please do your homework before you leave your dog
unattended and defenseless
at this facility with this "trainer". Or anywhere for that matter.
We were fooled by her, but
you have the opportunity to not make the same mistake.
Beware of the "path", she speaks of... it was a path of DEATH for Sandy.
She used the exact same phrase with us in her emails,
and our dog ended up dead, driven to the shelter by
Cate Sacks and ordered killed after
she couldn't train him and our money ran out.
She even tries to pass herself off as a "dog whisperer" here
These YOUtube videos were received from Ms. Sacks,
several days before she had him killed~ you can see
our Sandy was trying so hard to please her. She had him killed
several days later claiming he was feral, dangerous AND hurt.
If you doubt our story for a moment, and are considering hiring Ms. Sacks
We urge to contact Ms. Sacks~ ask her to explain what she did
(her contact information is on this ad above
that was posted on the internet)
They say every story has two sides~
We stand by the fact that our dog did not have to be driven to the
shelter and ordered killed behind our back,
and not told for two weeks.
Maybe you will be lucky and she can tell you:
Why she had Sandy killed AT A SHELTER for $ 15 ?
Ask her why she waited TWO weeks to tell us he was "hurt"
even as she was in contact with us the very morning she did this?
June 7, 2015
Ask her if he was hurt or was it a behavior issue?
Ask her why she would RUSH to use the draft of a rescue transfer
when she knew the final transfer was coming.
Ask her why she would send FAKE progress reports
in emails on June 11 and June 16th,
after she knew she had him killed on June 7th.
Why does she say this is a "made-up" story, just a case of cyber bullying ?
My Blog
about what happen to my dog, Sandy at "Shelter Dogs To Dream Dogs"
when he was left at their "Doggy Boot Camp"
RIP Sandy June 7, 2014