FRAUD and UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES lawsuit pending in San Diego Superior Court
against Catherine "Cate" Sacks El Cajon, California

Other RESCUE Dogs Cate Sacks took to Chula Vista Animal Care Facility to be euthanized: "EUTH REQ"



Other business names they have been known to use : SCM&K Enterprises, Learning With Love Dog Training,
Cate's Critters, Happy Cat Rescue, Therapy Dogs To Dream Dogs NO KENNEL LICENSE CAN BE FOUND

Anyone who is considering leaving their dog at Shelter Dogs To Dream Dogs doggie bootcamp
or boarding their dog is ENTITLED to know what she did to rescue dog Sandy.
How the owner, Catherine Sacks took Sandy to Chula Vista Shelter to be killed by lethal
injection just about 24 hours after cashing our last check for $ 2500. Consumers should
also know #ShelterDogsToDreamDogs, a dog training facility has NO kennel license.

And AFTER SANDY WAS DEAD, Sacks pretended Sandy was still alive for almost 2 weeks.
Sending fake us email updates of his "progress". In the end, we were notified of his death
by text message nearly two weeks after she had taken him to the shelter to be murdered
by shelter staff. Cate Sacks would claim he was "injured"and had to be killed. But never bothered to tell us, instead she pretended he was still alive, making progress and she was training him. There isn't a shred of evidence to support her claim Sandy was injured.

Then, Catherine Sacks continued to lie for SIX months after Sandy was dead,
about the circumstances of his death. Public records show she had three other rescue dogs killed.
She even requested San Diego Animal Control hide the very investigation that was ordered. And
San Diego Animal Control hid it for 6 months. Finally subpoened, for small claims court.
Why did SDAC hide a public record? Have they not heard of the Freedom of Information Act? Animal Control Director, Dawn Danielson actually "closed" another investigation about a complaint regarding the of lack of kennel licening at this facility on 10/29/2013. Why?

After victimizing our tiny non profit dog rescue, having Sandy killed, lying, trying to keep $4300.
Cate Sacks decided to file a defamation suit/ emotional distress suit against us. To intimidate us
and make us go away? To take away our first amendment rights? It appears from we've seen, she
has plans to twist this around so she is somehow the victim. There are other victims too, many others
are coming forward with their stories about their experiences dating back to 2003.

Our tiny non profit dog rescue was victimized by this business and it's owners,
we were personally and financially victimized by Catherine and Steele Sacks.
Our rescue dog was ordered to be murdered at the hand of his "dog trainer".
We were subjected to after lie after lie when we were trying to find out
how this could have happened. We have spent countless hours
to try to find the truth. Feels much like Bill Cosby who also filed
defamation suits against his victims for speaking up. Guilty is guilty.

And the lying continues, even to San Diego Superior Court in the fraud lawsuit.
Facts show that
Catherine Sacks just cannot stop lying.
She just lied on her depostion to the court on April 21, 2017. See what she says below.
Her attorney repeated the same lie in open court to Judge Ronald Styn.

"I never signed to euthanize any dog other than Sandy".
"In 26 years, I have only had to euthanize ONE DOG, Sandy.
"I returned the cocker spaniel to the rescue"
( she called Chula Vista Shelter a rescue )
See the documents below from Chula Vista Shelter to see what she really did.
Chula Vista Public Records tell a different story, the truth. #CateSacks signature is there.
Chula Vista Animal Shelter is NOT a rescue. It's a government run shelter.
It was the very same shelter Cate Sacks "adopted" a Cocker Spaniel and 2 other dogs,then
returned them in a few days to have all of them killed- then lied about it.
**Chula Vista Public Records show she had FOUR RESCUE DOGS KILLED**.
Her name is on all 4 dogs death orders. "Euth Req" is short for Euthanasia Requested.
Now she she says she can't remember anything about them? Let us refresh her memory:
Catherine Sacks, self proclaimed expert: dog rescuer, dog trainer,
San Diego's dog whisperer and dog behaviorist has killed her students when they don't work out.
She can't be bothered to remember them.
And she doesn't even bother get a kennel license for her business.

Here is what Catherine Sacks told our rescue in writing
the day after she cold heartedly informed us by text message
that Sandy was dead.
as she waited almost2 weeks before telling us she had him murdered, we couldn't get his body)

" I would have to make the decision that I have
never had to make before...euthanasia."
"I help dogs like this every day, and
I have never had to euthanize a dog before.... but Sandy just hated being alive. It was a horrible decision, but sadly, I stick by it"
Cate Sacks
emailed this to us ~ June 21, 2014 2:55 PM

Mr. Steele Sacks email sent to the San Diego Better Business Bureau :
" This has been a
horrible transaction and a ton of work was put into this animal to save it! -It was heartbreaking to put the dog down! "SDTDD has saved 2500 animals NEVER having to put down an animal except this one". 8/25/2014 Response to our Better Business Bureau complaint*

Rarely are isolated incidents..
just isolated incidents


RIP Sandy.
Ordered euthanized
at Chula Vista Animal Shelter
by Cate Sacks, his "trainer"
and owner of "Shelter Dogs To Dream Dogs" on June 7, 2014

#CateSacks had
lied over and over for months
afterwards saying she took Sandy to "vets" because he "hurt" himself.

There isn't a SHRED of evidence
that Sandy was hurt.

And those "vets" turned out to be Chula Vista Animal Shelter where she ordered Sandy killed.

He was ordered killed just like 3 other rescue dogs before Sandy.

This the kind of dog "trainer" she is, and what she is capable of.
She has further victimized us by filing a defamation suit for $500,000.
Just like what Bill Cosby did to his victims. The truth is the truth.

Sacks tried in vain to hide the fact that she took Sandy to Chula Vista Shelter to be killed. When we discovered the ugly truth,we started to investigate her organization. We found these THREE rescue dogs, same pattern. Sacks orders them killed after having them a few days. We also found numerous unhappy former clients. Both Sacks and her husband stated on numerous occasions they had never ordered any other dogs euthanized. Even to the judge in our case, and to the BBB.

Curious why Chula Vista Animal Shelter pads it's "adoption" records by
reporting that he was adopted twice. Sandy showed adopted twice as well.

The cocker who arrived at the shelter on 10/14. Stayed at the shelter for nearly a month without a single documented behavior issue.
tax dollars paid for his ear infection, microchip, flea tx, neuter, shots. Cate Sacks the self proclaimed "dog whisperer" adopted him and then brought him back after just a few days and "euth req" him.
He was killed too.

And the last record below, a fawn lab, was at the shelter for about 3 weeks before San Diego's "dog whisperer" took him, and brought him back 3 days later and "euth req" him. He was killed

Lucas, to the right, is a little maltese who scored a B on his temp test, his paperwork says he "doesn't appreciate rough handling"
Cate Sacks takes him, uses her special
"training" methods on him, brings him back about a week days later and "euth req" him.
Orders him killed. What "rescue" does that?
